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Fallout 4 VR Download 100mb


Updated: Mar 24, 2020

About This Game Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home. 7aa9394dea Title: Fallout 4 VRGenre: RPGDeveloper:Bethesda Game StudiosPublisher:Bethesda SoftworksRelease Date: 11 Dec, 2017 Fallout 4 VR Download 100mb Utter piece of trash or should I say CRASH. Buggy as hell, low performance on monster hardware. I guess Bethesda is doing their typical schtick where they release an utter mess and then diligently wait for the modding community to fix everything, including story, gameplay, balancing, graphics, bugs..... Pretty\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665optimization, makes the game unplayable.. Never thought I'd recommend anything related to Fallout 4 but here we are.This game is really fun if you mod it. You're going to want the VR optimization mods and the mod that makes it so your character doesn't talk as that takes you right out of the experience. You'll probably also want the mod that removes the spread from guns as it's extremely noticeable in VR. Then the rest of the mods are your choice. Most of them work with FO4VR. If they have custom hud elements, they probably wont. I also recommend having unlimited carry weight but no fast travel.Once that's over with(and you have a beefy enough PC to run it, I'm using an OC'd Vega 56 that performs similar to a vega 64\/gtx 1080\/rtx 2070 with a ryzen 7 2700x as the CPU) exploring the Wasteland in VR can be extremely fun. Seeing all the designs from my childhood in full 3d to scale is great! The animation work on reloading the guns is also great and can be really fun to watch. Going through ruins and piecing together stories while collecting loot is awesome. The game can get genuinely scary at times too. Yesterday I was exploring a bunker and a 10 foot tall alpha deathclaw jumped out of a hole in the ceiling, roared at me and then started barreling towards me. Stuff like that in VR really gets the adrenaline pumping. Overall, don't go into it looking for a fallout game, but as a post apocalyptic wasteland survival game with fallout designs.Also, I highly recommend a VATS build in VR. Staying in slowed down time and killing 6 enemies and leaving vats and watching them all play out their death animation is extremely satisfying.. I have always loved the fallout games..but in vr it's just so much better. It looks like Bethesda did barely anything to change the game for VR. You cannot throw around additional items, there are no motion controls for things like opening doors, and the player animations are non-existant. I would expect at least some cutscenes where the camera is taken away from the player like in the original, but instead it's just constant teleportation and glitchy animations. I tried to look elsewhere to see if there were mods to make these issues any better, but the modding community for this game is practically non-existant. Searching for Fallout 4 VR mods on websites like Nexus just turns up the original Fallout 4 game instead. All in all, not worth the money. If it were at a heavy discount? Maybe. But if you already own Fallout 4, this version isn't worth it.. Despite the lack of F4SE support, hiyokomod's AnimeRace Nanakochan actually works pretty well outside of the fact that you can't edit your face which you won't be looking at in VR anyways. Now look, where else do you find another open world anime VR RPG that you can potentially sink hundreds of hours in? Dear hearts and gentle people, man. Now Marcy doesn't look like a b*tch and Preston is far less annoying. I'll help those settlements for you anytime Puresuton-chan.As for the game itself, well it's not THAT bad nowadays. It still runs like sh*t, but I can play several hours with no much sickness, so at least playable. A playable Fallout game in VR is like a dream come true. (My specs: i5-8600 + 16GB DDR4 2400MHz + RX 580 8GB; running a Rift CV1) Of course, you can always refund if you found it too nausea-intense for you. Game's intro is not that long.If you are new to Bethesda games though, I recommend you to play Fallout 3 and\/or Fallout: New Vegas first to get an idea on how the core gameplay and modding works and be disappointed that Fallout 4 took away some really good sh*t found in previous games. After all, Bethesda games are infamously plain and buggy for some people, but with the support of their wonderful modding community, they can be significantly enjoyable after some workaround.Now if you'll excuse me, some anime settlers needs my help again.. Allow me to begin by stating that I have 400 hours in Fallout 4. I was very excited to Play this great game with the use of my VR headset and so I purchased Fallout VR several months ago. In that time I have only been able to play for 10 hours; most of which was excruciatingly difficult due to a disability. Several people, myself included, have requested the typical controller support from the developer to no avail (It seems that they do not care).I would like to enjoy this version of the game as much as I have enjoyed the non-VR version but I have no reason to believe that the developer ever intends to support our simple "controller support" request. As for a deeper review, this version of the game is riddled with bugs and visual glitches, which is typical of this developer. They might as well tell us to go ahead and k*$$ the*r a$$e$.I would give this game a positive review as I have enjoyed the game for over 400 hours but the lack of gamepad support in the VR version is a deal breaker. I am an unhappy customer without any intention of buying another Bethesda game. Many options available these days; Bethesda is no longer the only show for truly open world games which is what kept me coming back for more previously.. Good game... Its Fallout 4 but in VR. What more is needed? Plus, so long as you have purchased the regular fallout 4 game, you can just transplant all the DLC files to the VR version and boom, Nukaworld VR. Also, as for those who moan about their good system not being 'good enough', I'm rolling a 2nd Gen I5 2500s (pretty much the cheapest\/smallest you can get and still be a quad-core), 8GB of DDR3 ram and a GTX 980. The game runs fine; no more glitchy than the standard non-VR version. That is to say downtown Boston. There are a lot of assets in the area, huge buildings and what not so I do get the odd load stutter from time to time while in the area but that's likely the 2500s being the bottleneck and its nowhere near a game breaker. Keep in mind though, VR doesn't render the game in max resolution anyways and always down-scales. Unless you're rolling with the Vive Pro or a headset which allows for greater resolution than just the standard Vive or Occulus, you don't need a monster machine to run games anyways. In general, if you can play recent titles in 1080p, your machine will run VR. All in all though, great game. Only shame is its ultimately just a mod. 300MB or so all in. They could have just added it as DLC to anyone who bought the non-VR version with season pass and charged \u00a310 rather than releasing it as a separate game at full price.. I'm straight up mad at Bethesda here. I bought the game a week ago for a full $60USD, which I was on the fence about because I had already bought it once on PS4, then a normal PC copy here on Steam. But I decided to pull the trigger anyways, and here we are not even a full week later and they put the game on sale! Now it's going for $39, which really should've been the normal price. It's total crap how this happens just after I bought the game. I wouldn't be complaining if I had the game for a while, but only a week and the price goes down, absurd.. Really lackluster VR port. It doesn't have any of the DLC, yet they thought it was okay to release this at a full 60 dollars. I would be fine if it was 40 or 50 dollars, as its still a substantial game, but still.Performance is lacking too, despite the awful visuals. It can be immersive at times, but it doesn't do enough with the VR format to justify its existence.I would recommend the original Fallout 4 over this.


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